River City Girls Zero: annunciata la versione retail e la Special Edition su Nintendo Switch

Limited Run Games ha rivelato la versione retail e la Special Edition di River City Girls Zero, prossimamente disponibile su Nintendo Switch.

Il prequel dell’IP femminile legata all’universo di River City sarà pubblicata assieme al sequel, River City Girls 2, all’inizio del 2022 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare il video pubblicato di seguito.

River City Girls Zero, meanwhile, lets you experience the first time that Misako and Kyoko teamed up with Kunio and Riki to take to the streets in hard-hitting, curb-stomping action. While the graphics, music, and gameplay all remain true to the classic 16-bit Super Famicom release, this version marks the first time the 1994 game will be localized for the West. A new opening cinematic, new manga cutscenes, and new theme song by River City Girls composer Megan McDuffee have been added as well. Set out solo or team up with a friend in local co-op and discover how the River City Girls story began!

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